Broccoli Microgreens
Broccoli microgreens contain up to 40x more vitamins and minerals than the mature Broccoli. They contain the highest amount of sulforaphane (compound that fights inflammation, cancer prevention, and improved heart & gut health). Just one tiny plant contains more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, than a head of broccoli. For moms and dads of picky eaters, this means you can get more nutritional benefits with less food by adding these greens to your food. Ask yourself, "What is easier to make my kids eat, or hide in food? Broccoli florets or broccoli microgreens?" We pick the latter!
Flavor: Tangy with a crunchy and slight peppery taste
How-to-eat: Scrambled eggs & omlettes, juices & smoothies, cooked grains, salads, sandwiches, and soups
Health Benefits: Sulphoraphane, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. High in Vitamin C.